Iranian Senior
Fighter Pilot
Police Tortured Major
Major's Poetry
Criticism Art
Major YouTube
Corrupt Court of Appeal for Ontario &
Corrupt Judge Osborne to Osgoode Hall
Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia
Queen and Corruption in Toronto&
Ontario Crown's Perjury &
Fraud in Transcripts
Toronto Corrupt Architects,
JUDGES, Lawyers,
Police, Owners &
CorruptOntarioHuman Rights Tribunal
Corrupt Canadian Human Rights Commission
Thief Galen Weston & Family made
University of Toronto AC is a Dirty
Corrupt Toronto Transit Commission TTC
Corrupt Globe & Mail Slander & Libel
Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec
Americans' Conspiracy vs. IIAF
Persian Counter-Dictionary
Who Is Who in Toronto
Corrupt Condo 935
Toxic Air and Mold
Corrupt Jew
Corrupt Jewish Judges
Compliant against Rogers
Corrupt Bank of Nova Scotia
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights'
Violations in Canada
This is part of Major Nourhaghighi Autobiography indicating thousands
Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against his children and him. If you honestly believe
that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $1500
administration fees for
its removal complaint & claim. Make sure to send your request with registered
mail to
Major Nourhaghighi, 608-456 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6G 4A3
Corrupt Lawyer O'Donnell,
Corrupt Judge Olsberg;
Samples of Hundreds Endorsements
& Judgments, & Disobeying Orders
in Major Nourhaghighi' Countless Files
Canadian Government Multi Culture Criminal
Organization; Corrupt Judge
Osborne; Ottawa
OSBORNE, Defendant COULTER ARTHUR ANTHONY = Corrupt Ex-Associated Chief Judge of the corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal, who ignored the conflict of interest between Major Nourhaghighi and Judge Lampkin; while in other case Osborne adjourned the hearing for conflict of Interest between Major and Judge Doherty. This is a common frauds by dishonest judges that they are abusing the interpretation of the law with respect to plan and objects of conspiracy. Judge Osborne on August 11, 2000 has ignored Major's warning and by violation of the conflict of interest law has heard his motion, when Major told him: "You are defendant in my action and you made Order that conflict of Interest law should be respected, now yourself breaking your own Order!" Corrupt Judge Osborne proved that was a Charlatan, Cheater and Dirty in nature like most Canadian Judges and Lawyers. For example; on August 1997, Corrupt Judge Osborne adjourned Major's hearing of appeal to September 1997 and alleged that there was conflict of interests; while in September 1999, in another file with same ground of conflict of interest between Major and Judge Lampkin; Judge Osborne did not apply the same order. The object of Osborne 's Conspiracy in August 1997 was that the "Adjournment of case" be able to conflict with civil lawsuit against Police scheduled to be heard in September 1997. However, in September 1999, the object of Osborne's Conspiracy was to mislead the Federal Court of Canada; therefore, Judge Osborne, with shameless manner ignored the conflict of interest law. Major launched lawsuit against all judges who ignored the Conflict of Interests.
OSBORNE, DENNIS = The Vice President of Bank of Nova Scotia Respondent in Major's application before Federal Court for conspiracy and criminal wrongdoing against Major's accounts to cause mental anguish for other criminal objects.
OSENI, Sarah = Corrupt Black
Assistant Crown Attorney-Ontario involved in obstruction of justice and
conspiracy on November 18, 1997 by support of the Crown's application
for Certiorari to quash subpoenas against
corrupt Judge motherfucker Lampkin,
corrupt whore prosecutor Nel Delgado
and corrupt court reporter Morris. OSENI, maliciously, brought the application
before the corrupt Judge Whealy, who
by quashing subpoenas caused serious harms to Major; while
Judge Ewaschuk dismissed Crown's
application which was supported by
Hutmacher's Affidavit. The
transcript of Cadsby's Judgment indicates that Oseni was the Prosecutor of
malicious prosecutions of two charges by police against Major on November
24, 25, 26, and 27, 1997, where two police offenders against Major have alleged
that Major assaulted them, for which Judge
Cadsby, himself, by cross-examination against four Toronto Police Constables
found that they torture Major, and dismissed all charges against Major. Part
of Judge Cadsby's reasons says:.What happened against Major Nourhaghighi
is very sad and very unfortunate" Soon, Judge Cadsby was punished by
group of corrupt judges with early retirement on 1999 for these types of
Spit at the Face of Canadian and Queen Elizabeth
For numerous crimes against Major at Osgoode Hall
View Larger Map
Google Street View shows corrupt Courtroom of the Court
of Appeal from University Avenue
Hall = A dirty Symbol of Crime, Brutality, Shame
, Contempt and Disgrace for our Human Society and the World Justice System
as since February 1994 Osdooge Hall Judges, Lawyers, Registrars , Clerks
and Securities ares involved in countless crimes and conspiracy against me-Major
Nourhaghighi . This corrupt building is located in downtown of Toronto a
130 Queen Street West; used by three Corrupt Ontario Courts [Court of Justice,
Divisional Court, and the Court of Appeal], and the Law Society of
Upper Canada; designed for use of lawyers and judges that they be able
to meet and conspired between lawyers and judges at same as the
Society Act, maliciously, instructed that: "The permanent seat of
shall continue to be at Osgoode Hall, in the City of
To best of my recollection the following are SAMPLE of the most important
hearing that I had at corrupt Osgood Hall
1.February 14, 1994, Corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal heard my first "leave" to appeal under the Provincial Offences Act heard by corrupt Judge Osbourne against Toronto Police, I was successful to get Judgment that Toronto Police with bad faith and dishonestly laid charges against me, thus finally the corrupt Old City Hall was forced to refound me for about $487 fine that I paid on 1991.Although corrupt Judge Osborne support my case in 1994 but in 1997 and 1999 by clear conspiracy with the criminal organization has proved that he was corrupt.
2.August 21, 1994, Corrupt Ontario Divisional Court, corrupt Judge defendant Southy refused to extend time that I be able to file appeal against the defendant Toronto Air Ways accused of conspiracy.
3. December 7, 1994, Corrupt Court Ontario Court (General Division), the Corrupt Judge Somers heard FIVE MOTIONS brought by corrupt lawyers and law firms to dismissed My two lawsuits against Judges Robert G. Bigelow, Ian McNish, Lawyers, Attorney General Boyd , Toronto Police et al. I entered "Default Judgment" against the defendants, so technically the corrupt Judge Somers was obligate to dismiss the motions, but he granted all motions with $2500 costs against Me, in less than 30 minutes hearings. While my appeals against Somers Orders are perfected, since 1994 the corrupt Registrar refusing to set a date for hearing; whereas I have demonstrated a concrete injury, causation and redressability.
4. June 16, 1995, Ontario Court (General Division), the Senior Judge COO heard Fifty Motions brought by corrupt lawyers and law firms against my lawsuit against FIFTY defendants in which 24 were Judges, Lawyers and clerks hired by Attorney General of Ontario at Old City Hall, and Toronto Police, Insurance companies and et al Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital. Judge Coo dismissed all motions and clearly sated that there was merits in lawsuit, but made Order that the Statement of Claim be amended as fresh statement but the Crown conspired against Coo Order. Justice Coo has find that concrete injury requirement was existing yet was not clearly pleaded.
5. February 15, 1996, Ontario Court (General
Division), the Senior Judge Boland heard a very serious application against
me brought by corrupt directors and manger of my condominium requiring that
i should list my property for sale because "Major Nourhaghighi is Iranian
and have seen Military training so he is dangerous for other residents".
6. August 2, 1996, Corrupt Ontario Court
of Appeal heard my first appeal against Begelow Order heard by corrupt
Judges Doherty, Weiler, and Austin and dismissed.
7. September 6, 1996, Corrupt Court Ontario Court (General Division), the corrupt Judge Michael R. Dambrot heard my motion in a laawsuit and dismissed with $1000 costs against me.
1997, the worst Year for Ontario Justice System,
as all kinds of crimes have committed by Judges, Registrars, Lawyers &
Toronto Police against the Administration of Justice & Major Nourhaghighi
to support wrongs...
8. January 16, 1997, in corrupt Ontario Court
of Appeal , I did not consent that the
corrupt Judge Weiler to hear my motion
as I sued her in Federal Court as a member of panel of August 2, 1996 who
clearly dissented to the Judgment of corrupt
Judge Bigelow, but negligently did not
write in the Endorsement; as the result my right to appeal as "right" to
Supreme Court of Canada was seriously prejudiced.
9. February 6, 1997, Corrupt Court Ontario
Court (General Division), in courtroom
8 at Osgoode hall, the corrupt Drunk Judge Wilkins in clear conspiracy with
lawyers and Borden & Elliot has refused to make Order that the Toronto
Police releases the name of nine police offenders who torture Major Nourhaghighi
10. From April to May 1997, Corrupt Registrar of Ontario Court of Appeal, the Defendant John Kromkampt dismissed ALL Major Nourhaghighi's Appeals, even those appeals which were perfected, causing several complex proceedings to return few files and hundred millions dollars damages to Major Nourhaghighi. Kromkampt was involved in prostitution and drug where Major Nourhaghighi discovered his crimes and sued Kromkampt at Federal Court and Ontario Court. Kromkampt asked Toronto police to torture Nourhaghighi on December 11, 1996 then dismissed a lawsuit against himself! This is the main reason that Major Nourhaghighi has no trust and respect whatsoever for the Canadian Law, as Chaos is governing in Canada.
11. June 20, 1997, Corrupt Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal, Defendant Abella, refused to make an Order against the corrupt Registrar Kromkampt for abusing his office in dismissing all Major Nourhaghighi's appeal files.
12. August 6, 1997, Corrupt Court Ontario Court (General Division), the corrupt Judge Pitt maliciously adjourned hearing of my application against Police who torture me to September 1997 that I be forced to reply too several proceedings just in one month. This is another trick to put pressure in one person; the other trick was that on SEPTEMBER 1997 the judges who were agents of criminal organization were sitting, whereas "Judge Shopping" is against the law but very common in Canadian courts in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal.
13. August 19, 1997, Corrupt Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal, corrupt Judge Houlden has set aside the corrupt Registrar Order only in one file with COSTS against Major Nourhaghighi, whereas, only the Registrar was liable for abusing office, not Major
14. August 28, 1997, Corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal refused to heard my first Charter and Mandamus Appeal against corrupt Judge Lampkin. Here was the point that I discovered corrupt Judge Osbourne was involved in conspiracy against me as he endorsed "Major Nourhaghighi has sued Doherty JA and there is conflict of interest so must be adjourned." Later Osbourne JA heard my appeal against Lampkin Order but here refused to consider Conflict of Interest.
15. September 16, 1997, Corrupt Court Ontario
Court (General Division), the corrupt
Judge Day denied my application for leave to sue the Toronto Police for torture
against me, with costs against me; where the medical report clearly indicating
the broken ribs, but corrupt Judge Day endorsed thee was no injury.
16. September 26, 1997, Corrupt Ontario Court
of Appeal heard my first Charter and Mandamus Appeal by corrupt Judge Abella
et al
17.December 11, 1997, the corrupt panel of the Court of Appeal refused to hold the Registrar Kromkampt for contempt of the court for refusing to comply with Houlden Order.
18. July 15, 1998, the Court of Appeal heard corrupt Condo's Appeal of Boland Order. I was respondent in this appeal; and for the first time the Court made a harsh Order against the Condo and all Crown's parties. As usual, the Condo & Crown have committed worst crimes against my children and me after this Order; they did not comply with Order.r and have planned TOXIC MOLD in my condo to cause a serious harm to us as revenge
19. September 14, 1998, Corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal and Osborne JA heard my appeal against Lampkin Order and dismissed, whereas grounds of appeal was section 11d of charter and Lampkin was defendant in my action on October 1996 "Major Nourhaghighi v. Bell et al" before he make any judgment against me.
20. October 19, 2004 Corrupt Ontario Superior Court of Justice , corrupt
India Judge Todd Ducharme heard condo's motion against my
"Application for Leave". The object of conspiracy
was to mislead the Supreme Court of Canada in my contempt proceeding against
corrupt Crown lawyers Flaim and Weize. Whereas attack to "Application for
Leave" is not available under the rules.
21. October 21, 2004 Corrupt Ontario Superior Court of Justice, corrupt India
Judge Todd Ducharme heard condo's 2nd motion against my "Application for
Leave" and made Order for "Cross Examination of Affidavits in support of
Application for Leave whereas cross-examination is not available for Affidavits
of Application for Leave under the rules, and adjourned
to February 2005, whereas the issue was serious health issue due to Toxic
22. February 23, 2005, Corrupt Ontario Superior Court of Justice, corrupt Black Judge Pitt heard my "Application for Leave" and made Order that the Condo must clean Toxic Mold, with no costs to me, and in the end endorsed " Application Dismissed" This Order had several technical errors, he was obligate first allow the application for leave, then make his orders and in the end saying the rest of relief dismissed. As the result Condo did not Obey Order and moved before the Court of Appeal for COSTS; My application for leave costs over $200,000 for poor owners o condo in which my share was $1000; and condo with force got the money from me contrary to Order of Pitt.
23- January 15, 2006, Ontario Court of Appeal heard Condo's motion for Leave to appeal Pitt Order of costs, which was dismissed with $1500.00 to me.
25- June 14, 2009, Corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal heard my appeals and dismissed
in same building of the Osgoode Hall, the courtrooms and the registries of the Ontario Court(General Division), and the Court of Appeal for Ontario are located, which were abused by the Law Society for conspiracy and frauds in Major Nourhaghighi' Action. The Law Society, has stolen the original file for C26841, when its evidence was against its dishonest lawyers. Location of the Law Society at Osgoode Hall constitute the institutional conflict of interest. Osgoode Hall, MUST be used as the Public Washroom after the crush of British Colonial Government, where each bench of judges shall be used as a seat for releasing abdominal contents, for all abuses of the administration of justice against public.
The Corrupt Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa,
committed numerous crimes against the Administration of Justice and Major
Nourhaghighi since 1993
View Larger Map
OTTAWA = Ottawa centre of Organize Crimes; the most corrupt Capital in the World and Headquarter for the Criminal Organizations, the City that steals even from the Ministers Offices. On September 6, 1994, Major Nourhaghighi's application for political asylum to the Office of the United Nations was stolen by the City of Ottawa. Major's Confidential Reports to the Offices of the Solicitor General of Canada and Prime Minister of Canada were stolen on the same day by the dirty City of Ottawa. On August 2002 and on December 5, 2005 the CSIS asked from Major Nourhaghighi why he travelled to Ottawa... In Canada you must have a GOOD reason to travel for Iranian, Refugees and Muslim, that's why Human Rights sucks in Canada
Ottawa Housing Market = is a fabricate title at corrupt is a fabricate domain for sell " Do NOT buy IT as there is a Lawsuit against this domain" is made by white Canadian Criminal Organization to attack to innocent people by slander & label such as as publishing in the internet a label reports made against Major Nourhaghighi on March 4, 2006 at the Globe & Mail; see full report; this is a proof that Major Nourhaghighi in reply made this Website against these dirty white Canadians, as in Canada it is impossible judges charges the strong criminals like Globe and Mail.
Outreach Connection = A newspaper sold by homeless and unemployed people of Toronto in each, and every corner of the streets.
Iranian Air Force
Persian Counter Dictionary
Queen & Corruption in Canada
Attorney General of Ontario is a Thief
Down with the Ontario Crown and Judges
Queen Thief Judges and Lawyers in Toronto
Minister of Justice & Attorney General of Canada
is Bicycle Thief
Spit at the Face of Toronto Thief Judges and Lawyers
and Police Brutality
Shit to the Face of Toronto Thief Doctors, Police, Crown,
Judges and Lawyers
Since 1990 Toronto Police numerously
tortured Major Nourhaghighi
Thus since 1994 he is potential Political Asylum Seeker as Canadian
Since 1990 his right to leave Canada is unlawfully denied
and obstructed by Police, Crown & CSIS
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"
House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
Sample of crimes by the Crown, Police & Toronto Criminal
against Major Nourhaghighi contains in X-Dictionary
The White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal
Organization are behind the Toronto newspaper the
Globe & Mail
Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit against the
Globe & Mail and the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal
Major Nourhaghighi's FACTUM as against the Globe and
Mail and members of White British Canadian
Terrorist Criminal Organization
Corrupt Reporter Peter Cheney's Malicious Report against
Major Nourhaghighi on the Globe & Mail, intentionally omitted all
productive facts about Major Nourhaghighi and added not founded materials
showing Canadian Media is a voice of
the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization, Force, Injustice,
Abuse, and Fraud in which the
Outrageous actions of the Defendants Cheney & the Globe & Mail constitute
Obstruction of Justice,
Contempt of Court, Misleading Justice, Assault and Slander & Libel at
" Major Keyvan's War "
To Serve Lawsuit to the Globe & Mail You need to do it as Personal Service
444 Front St. W., Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2S9
On May 7, 1993 the Attorney General of
Ontario & Transport Canada
hired a Portuguese criminal Rue Gregorio hired to kill Major Nourhaghighi.
Rue & his friend attacked to Major and caused him serious injuries
in which people taken him to Toronto Western Hospital by ambulance.
However, Major, while he was seriously injured smashed Rue's car
that he failed to run away and police arrested Rue and charge him
for aggravated assault & attempt to murder. But the Crown
and Corrupt Judge Hyrn clearly conspired
dismissed charges against their agent Rue
$100,000,000 Damages
to Canadian Taxpayers
The said Crown Organized Crime on May 7,
1993involved a large numbers of corrupt Pilots, Judges, Lawyer, Police,
Flying Schools, ,Businesses, Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists, Banks, Insurance
Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto is
known as "Iranian Plaza"
is a center of criminal organization having full control of all businesses
from Yonge & Finch to Richmond Hill
they operate as cover up verity stores food/restaurants, doctors' offices
or Exchange
However their real business is prostitution, drug and smuggling in
such many of them were charged by Police
New Issues & Lawsuits
Corrupt Athletic Centre
of University of Toronto
involved in countless crime and wrong against Major Nourhaghighi
and numerously misled and obstructed justice system in Ontario & Canada's
University of Toronto AC is a dirty
Major Nourhaghighi sued the Corrupt Canadian Billionaire
Thief Galen Weston for theft of personal information
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia
March 21, 2011